Eastern Lightning Is My Salvation

Eastern Lightning Walking in God's Ways

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X. One Must Fellowship Clearly on the Truths Concerning How to Know God

1. What is knowing God? Can an understanding of Bible knowledge and theological theory be considered knowledge of God?

knowing God, Words of God, believers, believe in God ,

    Relevant Words of God:

    What does it mean to know God? It means that man knows God’s joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness; this is knowing God. You say that you have seen God, yet you do not understand God’s joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, you do not understand His disposition, nor do you understand His righteousness. You have no understanding of His mercifulness, and you do not know what He likes or what He loathes. This is not knowledge of God. If you know Him, understand Him, and are able to comprehend some of His will, then you can truly believe in Him, truly submit to Him, truly love Him, and truly worship Him. If you do not understand these things, then you are only following along, someone who just runs along and follows the crowd. That cannot be called true submission or true worship. How does true worship come about? There are none who truly know and see God who do not worship Him, who do not revere Him. They must all bow down and worship Him. At present, in the time of the work of God incarnate, the more understanding that people have of the essence of God’s divinity, of His disposition and of what He has and is, the more they treasure them and revere Him. Generally, less understanding means more carelessness, and that God is treated as human. If people really know God and see Him, they will tremble with fear. Why did John say, “He that comes after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear”? Though the understanding in his heart was not very deep, he knew that God is awesome. How many people are able to revere God now? Without knowing His disposition, how could one revere Him? If people do not know the essence of Christ and do not understand the disposition of God, they are not able to truly worship the practical God. If people see only the ordinary and normal outward appearance of Christ and do not know His essence, it is easy for them to treat Christ as an ordinary man. They may adopt an irreverent attitude toward Him, can cheat Him, resist Him, disobey Him, and cast judgment on Him. They may think themselves as right and take His word and work as insignificant, harbor notions of God, and condemn and blaspheme Him. To resolve these issues one must know the essence of Christ, the divinity of Christ. This is the main aspect of knowing God; it is what all believers must achieve.

from “How to Know God Incarnate” in Records of Christ’s Talks Continue reading

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Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | A Cappella “The Result Achieved by Knowing God” | Gospel Music

Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | A Cappella “The Result Achieved by Knowing God” | Gospel Music

One day,
you will feel that the Creator
is no longer a riddle,
that the Creator has never been hidden from you,
that the Creator
has never concealed His face from you,
that the Creator is not at all far from you,
that the Creator is no longer the One that you constantly long for in your thoughts but that you cannot reach with your feelings,
that He is really and truly standing guard to your left and right,
supplying your life, and controlling your destiny, controlling your destiny.
He is not on the remote horizon, nor has He secreted Himself high up in the clouds.
He is right by your side, presiding over your all,
He is everything that you have, and He is the only thing you have.
Such a God
allows you to love Him from the heart,
cling to Him, hold Him close, admire Him,
fear to lose Him,
and be unwilling to renounce Him any longer, disobey Him any longer,
or any longer to evade Him or put Him at a distance.
All you want is to care for Him, obey Him,
requite all that He gives you, and surrender to His dominion.
You no longer refuse to be guided,
supplied, watched over, and kept by Him,
no longer refuse what He dictates and ordains for you,
what He dictates and ordains for you.
All you want is to follow Him, walk alongside Him to His left or right, to follow Him, walk alongside Him to His left or right,
all you want is to accept Him as your one and only Lord,
all you want is to accept Him as your one and only Lord, your one and only God. Continue reading

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The Hymn of God’s Word “Notions and Imagination Will Never Help You Know God”

The Hymn of God’s Word “Notions and Imagination Will Never Help You Know God”


Knowledge of God relies not upon experience nor imagination. These must never be imposed upon God. For no matter how rich human experience and fancy are, they’re limited, they are not fact nor truth, being also incompatible with God’s real disposition, being also inconsistent with God’s real substance. God’s righteous disposition is His own true substance; it’s not dictated by man, nor akin to His creation. God is God after all, He is never a part of His own creation. Even if He joins in, His disposition, essence won’t change, won’t change.


Therefore, knowledge of God comes not from perceiving, perceiving objects, nor from dissecting matter, nor from understanding other humans. The knowledge of God won’t be attained through such means and ways. Knowledge of God relies not on experience nor fantasy. They’re limited, they are not, they are not fact nor truth. God’s righteous disposition is His own true substance; it is not dictated by man, nor akin to His creation. God is God after all, He is never a part of His own creation. Even if He joins in, His disposition, essence won’t change. One will never comprehend God, relying upon his imagination. The only path to knowing God is thus: Accept all that comes from Him, experience it bit by bit. Continue reading

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“Perilous Is the Road to the Heavenly Kingdom” (3) – Disclosing the Mystery of the Incarnation

Christian Movie “Perilous Is the Road to the Heavenly Kingdom” (3) – Disclosing the Mystery of the Incarnation

Although people who believe in the Lord all know that the Lord Jesus is God become flesh, however no one can truly understand the truth of the incarnation. It is prophesied in the Bible that the Lord will come again in the flesh to speak and work in the last days. If we do not know the incarnate God, then we have no means of welcoming the second coming of the Lord. So, knowing God incarnate is the key to welcoming the Lord’s return. How then should we know the incarnate God?

Recommended Reading: What Salvation Is and How It’s Gained From God

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The Word of the Holy Spirit | “God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe The Fourteenth Utterance”

The Word of the Holy Spirit | “God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe The Fourteenth Utterance”

Almighty God says, “I stand over the universe day after day, observing, and I humbly hide Myself in My dwelling place to experience human life, closely studying man’s every deed. No one has ever truly offered up himself to Me. No one has ever pursued the truth. No one has ever been conscientious for Me. No one has ever made resolutions before Me and kept to his duty. No one has ever allowed Me to dwell in him. No one has valued Me as he would his own life. No one has ever seen in practical reality the whole being of My divinity. No one has ever been willing to be in contact with the practical God Himself.” Continue reading

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What Viewpoint Believers Ought to Hold


    What is it that man has received since he first believed in God? What have you known about God? How much have you changed because of your belief in God? Now you all know that man’s belief in God is not solely for salvation of the soul and welfare of the flesh, nor is it to enrich his life through love of God, and so on. As it stands, if you love God for the sake of welfare of the flesh or momentary pleasure, then even if, in the end, your love for God reaches its peak and you ask for nothing, this love you seek is still an impure love and not pleasing to God. Those who use love for God to enrich their dull lives and fill a void in their heart are those who seek to live in ease, not those who truly seek to love God. This kind of love is against one’s will, a pursuit of emotional pleasure, and God does not need this kind of love. What kind, then, is a love such as yours? For what do you love God? How much true love do you have for God now? The love of most among you is as previously mentioned. This kind of love can only maintain the status quo; it cannot attain eternal constancy, nor take root in man. This kind of love is that of a flower which bears no fruit after it has bloomed then withered. In other words, after you have loved God once in such a way and there is no one to lead you on the path ahead, then you will fall. If you can only love God in the times of loving God and you make no changes to your life disposition afterward, then you will continue to be shrouded by the influence of darkness, unable to escape, and still unable to break free from being bound and fooled by Satan. No such man can be fully gained by God; in the end, their spirit, soul, and body will still belong to Satan. This is unquestionable. All those who cannot be fully gained by God will return to their original place, that is, back to Satan, and they will go down to the lake that burns with fire and brimstone to accept the next step of punishment from God. Those gained by God are those who rebel against Satan and escape from its domain. Such men will be officially numbered among the people of the kingdom. This is how the people of the kingdom come to be. Are you willing to be this kind of person? Are you willing to be gained by God? Are you willing to escape from the domain of Satan and return to God? Do you now belong to Satan or are you numbered among the people of the kingdom? Such things should all be clear and require no further explanation. Continue reading

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What Do You Know of Faith?

knowing God, joy, Jesus, Jehovah, faith

In man exists only the uncertain word of faith, yet man knows not what constitutes faith, much less why he has faith. Man understands too little, and man himself is too lacking; his faith in Me is but mindless and ignorant. Though he knows not what faith is, nor why he has faith in Me, he continues to believe in Me obsessively. What I ask of man is not merely for him to obsessively call upon Me in this way or to believe in Me in a desultory fashion, for the work I do is so that man may see Me, and know Me, not so that man is impressed and looks at Me in a new light. I once manifested many signs and wonders and performed many miracles, and the Israelites of the time showed Me great admiration and greatly revered My exceptional ability to heal the sick and exorcise demons. At the time, the Jews thought My healing powers to be masterly, extraordinary—and because of My many deeds, they all venerated Me, and felt great admiration for all of My powers. Thus, all who saw Me perform miracles followed Me closely, such that thousands surrounded Me to watch Me heal the sick. I manifested so many signs and wonders, yet people merely looked upon Me as a masterly physician; so, too, did I speak many words of teaching to people at the time, yet they merely regarded Me as a teacher superior to his disciples. Even today, after men have seen the historical records of My work, their interpretation continues to be that I am a great physician who heals the sick and a teacher to the ignorant, and they have defined Me as the merciful Lord Jesus Christ. Those who interpret the scriptures may have surpassed My skills in healing, or may even be disciples who have now surpassed their teacher, yet such men of great renown, whose names are known around the world, consider Me so lowly to be a mere physician. My deeds are greater in number than the grains of sand on the beaches, and My wisdom surpasses all the sons of Solomon, yet people merely think of Me as a physician of little account and an unknown teacher of man. How many believe in Me only so that I might heal them? How many believe in Me only so that I might use My powers to drive unclean spirits out from their bodies? And how many believe in Me simply to receive peace and joy from Me? How many believe in Me only to demand from Me greater material wealth? How many believe in Me just to spend this life in peace and to be safe and sound in the world to come? How many believe in Me to avoid the suffering of hell and to receive the blessings of heaven? How many believe in Me only for temporary comfort but do not seek to gain anything in the world to come? When I brought down My fury upon man and seized all the joy and peace he once possessed, man became doubtful. When I gave unto man the suffering of hell and reclaimed the blessings of heaven, man’s shame turned into anger. When man asked Me to heal him, I paid him no heed and felt abhorrence toward him; man departed from Me to instead seek the way of evil medicine and sorcery. When I took away all that man had demanded from Me, everyone disappeared without a trace. Thus, I say that man has faith in Me because I give too much grace, and there is far too much to gain. The Jews believed in Me for My grace and followed Me wherever I went. These ignorant men of limited knowledge and experience sought only to behold the signs and wonders I manifested. They regarded Me as the head of the house of the Jews who could perform the greatest miracles. And so when I exorcised demons from men, it caused much discussion among them: They said that I was Elijah, that I was Moses, that I was the most ancient of all prophets, that I was the greatest of all physicians. Apart from Myself saying that I am the life, the way, and the truth, none could know My being or My identity. Apart from Myself saying that heaven is the place where My Father lives, none knew that I am the Son of God, and also God Himself. Apart from Myself saying that I shall bring redemption to all mankind and ransom mankind, none knew that I am the Redeemer of mankind, and men only knew Me as a benevolent and compassionate man. And apart from Myself being able to explain all there is of Me, none knew Me, and none believed that I am the Son of the living God. Such is people’s faith in Me, and the way they try to fool Me. How could they bear witness to Me when they hold such views of Me? Continue reading

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None Who Are of the Flesh Can Escape the Day of Wrath

holiness,  Jehovah,Jesus, knowing God, life,

    Today, I admonish you thus for the sake of your own survival, in order for My work to progress smoothly, and so that My inaugural work throughout the entire universe may be carried out more appropriately and perfectly, revealing My words, authority, majesty and judgment to the people of all countries and nations. The work I do among you is the beginning of My work throughout the whole universe. Although now is already the last days, know that the “last days” is but a name for an age: Just like the Age of Law and the Age of Grace, it refers to an age, and it indicates an entire age, rather than the final few years or months. Yet the last days are quite unlike the Age of Grace and the Age of Law. The work of the last days is not carried out in Israel, but among the Gentiles; it is the conquest before My throne of people from all nations and tribes outside of Israel, so that My glory throughout the universe can fill the entire cosmos. It is so that I can gain greater glory, so that all creatures on earth can pass on My glory to every nation, forever down the generations, and all creatures in heaven and on earth can see all the glory that I have gained on earth. The work carried out during the last days is the work of conquest. It is not the guidance of the lives of all the people on earth, but the conclusion of mankind’s imperishable, millennia-long life of suffering on earth. As a consequence, the work of the last days cannot be like the several thousand years of work in Israel, nor can it be like the mere several years of work in Judea which continued on for two millennia until the second incarnation of God. The people of the last days encounter only the reappearance of the Redeemer in the flesh, and they receive the personal work and words of God. It will not be two thousand years before the last days come to an end; they are brief, like the time when Jesus carried out the work of the Age of Grace in Judea. This is because the last days are the conclusion of the entire era. They are the completion and the ending of God’s six-thousand-year management plan, and they conclude mankind’s life journey of suffering. They do not take the whole of mankind into a new age or allow mankind’s life to continue. That would hold no significance for My management plan or the existence of man. If mankind carried on like this, then sooner or later they would be entirely devoured by the devil, and those souls that belong to Me would ultimately be ruined by its hands. My work lasts for but six thousand years, and I promised that the evil one’s control over the whole of mankind would also be for no more than six thousand years. And so, the time is up. I will neither continue nor delay any longer: During the last days I will vanquish Satan, I will take back all My glory, and I will reclaim all the souls that belong to Me on earth so that these distressed souls may escape from the sea of suffering, and thus will be concluded My entire work on earth. From this day onward, never again will I become flesh on earth, and never again will My all-controlling Spirit work upon the earth. I will do but one thing on earth: I will “remake” mankind, a mankind that is holy, and which is My faithful city on earth. But know that I will not annihilate the entire world, nor will I annihilate the whole of mankind. I will keep that remaining third—the third that loves Me and has been thoroughly conquered by Me, and I will cause this third to be fruitful and multiply on earth just as the Israelites did under the law, nourishing them with copious sheep and cattle and all the riches of earth. This mankind will remain with Me forever, yet it is not the deplorably filthy mankind of today, but a mankind that is an assembly of all those who have been gained by Me. Such a mankind will not be damaged, disturbed, or besieged by Satan, and will be the only mankind that exists on earth after I have triumphed over Satan. It is the mankind that has today been conquered by Me and has gained My promise. And so, the mankind that has been conquered during the last days is also the mankind that will be spared and will gain My everlasting blessings. It will be the only evidence of My triumph over Satan, and the only spoils of My battle with Satan. These spoils of war are saved by Me from the domain of Satan, and are the only crystallization and fruit of My six-thousand-year management plan. They come from every nation and denomination, and every place and country throughout the universe. They are of different races, have different languages, customs and skin colors, and they are spread across every nation and denomination of the globe, and even every corner of the world. Eventually, they will come together to form a complete mankind, an assembly of man that is unreachable by the forces of Satan. Those among mankind who have not been saved and conquered by Me will sink silent to the depths of the sea, and will be burned by My consuming flames for all eternity. I will annihilate this old, supremely filthy mankind, just as I annihilated the firstborn sons and cattle of Egypt, leaving only the Israelites, who ate lamb’s meat, drank lamb’s blood, and marked their door lintels with lamb’s blood. Are the people who have been conquered by Me and are of My family not also the people who eat the meat of Me the Lamb and drink the blood of Me the Lamb, and have been redeemed by Me and worship Me? Are such people not always accompanied by My glory? Have not those who are without the meat of Me the Lamb already sunk silent to the depths of the sea? Today you oppose Me, and today My words are just like those spoken by Jehovah to the sons and grandsons of Israel. Yet the hardness in the depths of your hearts is causing My wrath to accumulate, bringing more suffering upon your flesh, more judgment upon your sins, and more wrath upon your unrighteousness. Who could be spared on My day of wrath, when you treat Me like this today? Whose unrighteousness could escape My eyes of chastisement? Whose sins could elude the hands of Me, the Almighty? Whose defiance could escape the judgment of Me, the Almighty? I, Jehovah, speak thus unto you, the descendants of the Gentile family, and the words I speak to you surpass all the utterances of the Age of Law and the Age of Grace, yet you are harder than all the people of Egypt. Do you not store up My wrath as I reposefully do My work? How could you escape unharmed from the day of Me, the Almighty? 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