Eastern Lightning Is My Salvation

Eastern Lightning Walking in God's Ways

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Christian Song | God Is Love | “Only the Creator Takes Pity on This Mankind”

Gospel Song | God Is Love | “Only the Creator Takes Pity on This Mankind”

The Creator is among man at all times, He is always in conversation with man and the entirety of creation,
and He is performing new deeds every day.
His substance and disposition are expressed in His dialogue with man;
His thoughts and ideas are revealed completely in His deeds;
He accompanies and observes mankind at all times.
He speaks quietly to mankind and all of creation with His silent words:
I am in the heavens, and I am amongst My creation.
I am keeping watch; I am waiting; I am at your side…. Continue reading

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Christian Movie “The Lies of Communism: Account of the CCP’s Brainwashing” Clip 1

Christian Inspirational Movie “The Lies of Communism: Account of the CCP’s Brainwashing” Clip 1

What’s spread by the Chinese Communist Party is that religious belief emerged from the fear and worship of supernatural forces of a humanity that was backward in scientific knowledge, and that religion is superstition. Furthermore, they condemn and ban religious belief in the name of opposing feudal superstition. What is the CCP’s motivation in doing so, and what really is its sinister goal?

Recommendation: Jesus Is Come | Christian Movie Trailer “Yearning” | Have You Met the Return of Lord Jesus?

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English Christian Skit “We Must Be Dreaming!” | Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven Through Hard Work

A religious-world pastor in a sheepskin coat, a kind and honest wife, and a devoted Christian with discernment who loves the truth come together in a humorous skit that explores the question, “Can one enter the kingdom of heaven through hard work?” The ironic language and the brilliant debate between the believer and the pastor leave viewers with a lot to think about …

Recommendation: English Christian Skit “Starving for Fear of Choking”

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Is There Any Biblical Basis for the Statement | “Once Saved, Always Saved”

    By Yang Xin, Shandong Province

    The sun sank into the west, and the last light of the sinking sun spread across the world as I walked back home after a meeting, thinking of what the pastor had said: “Once saved, then we are always saved, for the Bible says, ‘That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart man believes to righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made to salvation’ (Romans 10:9-10). As we believe in the Lord Jesus, as long as we believe in our hearts and acknowledge Him with our mouths, then we are saved, and if we are saved once then we are always saved. As long as we keep working and expending ourselves for the Lord and endure till the very end, then when the Lord returns, we will immediately be raptured up into the kingdom of heaven!” I gave an Amen to the pastor’s words: “Yes! The Lord Jesus was nailed to the cross so that we could be redeemed, so as long as we call upon the Lord’s name, confess our sins and repent to the Lord, then our sins will be absolved and we will be saved by His grace—once saved, always saved, and afterward we will surely be raptured up into the kingdom of heaven.” Over the years of my belief in the Lord, I had always firmly believed that this view was correct, and never once doubted it. Continue reading

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Christian Video “School Interrogation” (2018 Crosstalk) | A True Christian Story in China

The crosstalk School Interrogation describes the facts of how the CCP cooperates with elementary schools and uses the police to deceive, frighten, threaten, and even forces confessions from students to find out whether their parents have religious beliefs. Ever since taking power, the CCP has attacked and oppressed religious faith, and today, to investigate and arrest Christians, it even reaches out its dark hand for students in schools, using cruelly violent methods to abuse and deeply traumatize children. The CCP’s cruelty is truly detestable!

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“the Eastern Lightning” has testified that the Lord Jesus has already returned, expressed the truth, and made complete a group of overcomers. Does this fulfill the prophecies from the Bible?

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Christian Testimony “Awakening Amid Judgment” | Have You Found the Path to Have Your Sins Cleansed?


After Li Jie accepts the work of Almighty God in the last days, she thirsts for God’s word and forsakes everything to expend for God. Two years later, she is chosen as a church leader. As she performs her duties, the arrogance, conceit, and desire for fame and benefits of her satanic nature are exposed time and again: When she sees the sister she is partnered with promoted, she becomes jealous, and finds herself living in a negative state; at meetings, she deliberately exalts and testifies herself while belittling her coworkers, and tries to make her brothers and sisters look up to and admire her. Because she doesn’t pursue truth, and instead walks the path of an antichrist and pursues fame and status, she loses the work of the Holy Spirit, cannot do practical work, and is dismissed from her leadership duties. After losing her position, she finds herself trapped in refinement, and through reading God’s word and reflecting on herself, she comes to realize she was compelled to pursue fame and status, resist God, and rebel against God against her will by the arrogance and conceit of her satanic nature. In the judgment and chastisement of God’s word, she finally awakens, and sees clearly that the essence of her pursuit of fame and status is to walk the path of an antichrist. She begins to hate her satanic nature, and comes to understand that only by pursing the truth, fulfilling the duties of a creature of God, and obeying, loving, and satisfying God can she succeed in her belief in God and be approved by God. Later on, she focuses on pursuing the truth and soundly fulfilling her duties, and no longer relies on Satan’s toxins to live, but rather lives by practicing the truth and relying on God’s word. Gradually, she escapes the bondage of fame and status, and her soul finally gains freedom and release.

Relevant reading :

What Is the Difference Between God’s Judgment Work in the Last Days and the Work of the Lord Jesus?

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Christian Skit | “Watch Over This House” | Why Christians Are Treated Like This

In China, Christians are persecuted by the CCP to the point that it’s hard for them to go home, so they often live a wandering existence. In this skit, a Christian couple, fed up by being monitored in their village for their belief in God, decides to move to the city and rent an apartment, but it’s not long before the CCP police officer, neighborhood committee member, security guard, and a neighborhood lout start visiting one after another to “help the old couple watch their apartment.” Again fed up with the surveillance, the old couple decides to pack their bags and move again …

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Many good sheep in the church would prefer to suffer unbridled arrest and persecution by the Chinese Communist Party just to seek and investigate Eastern Lightning.

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God’s word | The Sighing of the Almighty (Selection)

seek, God, save, God's word, belief  

  Mankind, who left the supply of life from the Almighty, does not know why they exist, and yet fears death. There is no support, no help, but mankind is still reluctant to close their eyes, braving it all, drags out an ignoble existence in this world in bodies without the consciousness of souls. You live like such, with no hope; he exists like such, with no aim. There is only the Holy One in the legend who will come to save those who moan in suffering and long desperately for His arrival. This belief cannot be realized so far in the people who are unconscious. However, the people still yearn for it so. The Almighty has mercy on these people who suffer deeply. At the same time, He is fed up with these people who have no consciousness, because He has to wait too long for the answer from humans. He desires to seek, seek your heart and your spirit. He wants to bring you food and water and to awaken you, so you are no longer thirsty, no longer hungry. When you are weary and when you begin to feel the desolation of this world, do not be perplexed, do not cry. Almighty God, the Watcher, will embrace your arrival any time. He is watching by your side, waiting for you to turn back. He is waiting for the day your memory suddenly recovers: becoming conscious of the fact that you came from God, somehow and somewhere once lost, falling unconscious on the roadside, and then, unknowingly having a “father.” You further realize that the Almighty has been watching there, awaiting your return all along. He longs bitterly, waiting for a response without an answer. His watching is priceless and is for the heart and the spirit of humans. Perhaps this watching is indefinite, and perhaps this watching is at its end. But you should know exactly where your heart and spirit are now.

from “The Sighing of the Almighty” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

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Eastern Lightning Shakes the Religious World